Rice milling business
Rice milling business operations
A value chain connecting rice production areas and customers
In the rice milling business, Mitsuhashi Rice is engaged in the handling of "raw rice" such as polished, unwashed, and brown rice. Mitsuhashi Rice products are widely sold to supermarkets and other retailers, restaurants and other eating establishments, hospital and university cafeterias, as well as prepared food factories.
Our employees take advantage of our strength as an integrated rice manufacturer and, as "rice professionals," provide information on rice prices and quality to dealers and talk to them about various topics on the sales floor. We communicate daily product movements and customer requests collected in this way to the head office buyers and focus on the exchange of information between production areas and dealers.
- Mitsuhashi Rice connects production areas and customers with rice,
Mitsuhashi Rice aims to be a value chain creator, connecting rice producers and customers.
Thorough risk management" is the concept of the rice mill.
Mitsuhashi Rice's rice milling plant is designed to realize our ideal of delivering safe and reliable products to our customers. The facilities were designed based on the following eight keywords: 1. short, 2. simple, 3. easy to understand, 4. error-proof, 5. easy to clean, 6. easy to maintain, 7. free from unreasonableness, waste, and unevenness, and 8. clear functions. The design was based on the following criteria.
In addition, the "traceback system," which complies with the U.S. Traceability Law, is employed to enable speedy confirmation of production history as needed. Among other things, the core "Koura Plant" uses six floors to install equipment for efficient production.
Rice milling business products
Mitsuhashi Rice's rice milling business currently has an annual production capacity of 150,000 tons for the entire group.
Here are some of the representative products of our rice milling business that support your daily diet.