Customer Service Center 0120-39-3284 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Corporate Information

Message from the CEO


Management Philosophy

Our company motto, "Delicious Life with You," expresses our desire to provide services that our employees want to receive and products that they want to eat. This slogan expresses our desire to provide services that our employees themselves would like to receive and products that they themselves would like to eat.
Since each of our employees is also a consumer, we want to be a company that provides our customers with services and products that make them happy and delicious.

To be a valuable company for our customers

The world is changing quickly, and the needs of our customers are also changing every minute. We will continue to grow in response to these changes so that we can continue to be a company that is always valuable to our customers.

Industry's No. 1 safety and security system

The foundation of our management philosophy is the safety and security of our products. The foundation of our manufacturing is our "safety and security system," which is designed to ensure that our customers receive safe and secure products.
However, there are always risks in this world. Our safety and security system is a battle against risk.
Aiming for "zero" risk, we are constantly improving both the hardware, such as risk countermeasures, and the software, such as how to operate the system.

No. 1 rice cooking business in the industry

Mitsuhashi Rice began selling cooked rice in 1976. At the time, it was considered unorthodox to buy rice, but this business is now one of the core components of our company's operations.
By adding value to our existing products, cooked rice has become a product that many customers enjoy. We will continue to take on the challenge of providing our customers with value-added products that enrich their lives.

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